The Wright County, Minnesota MEADA (Mentorship, Education and Drug Awareness ~ formerly Methamphetamine, Education, and Drug Awareness) Coalition was formed in 2004 when community and county partners joined forces to help address the local methamphetamine epidemic. As stricter regulations were placed on products needed to produce methamphetamine and law enforcement cracked down on meth labs, the Coalition’s focus broadened to include awareness of other substances and also increased focus on mentoring programs for youth.

The MEADA Coalition continues to bring together families, neighbors, school personnel, law enforcement, county agencies, faith communities, and municipalities to address and prevent substance use. We take pride in supporting local efforts aimed at reducing substance abuse, addiction rates, and overdose fatalities by sponsoring events and funding projects or programs that are proactive, youth-focused, and sustainable. In December 2020, MEADA was awarded a Drug-Free Communities (DFC) grant from the Federal government. The DFC program provides funding and resources for community coalitions that organize to prevent youth substance use under the philosophy that local problems require local solutions.

MEADA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with active board members from around the county.

The MEADA Coalition meets the second Wednesday of the each month from 3:30-4:30 PM at the Wright County campus. Interested in seeing what a meeting is like? You can attend in person or join us virtually on Microsoft Teams – meeting ID: 263 752 808 331 | meeting passcode: dQbQWy.

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Executive Board

CHAIR - Kaylee Henson
Wright County Court Services

VICE CHAIR - Melissa Pribyl

TREASURER - Tammi Solarz
Wright County Court Services

SECRETARY - Ellie Vanasse
Wright County Public Health